Premier Technical Services Group Ltd (PTSG) has been appointed to provide lightning protection systems as part of specialist electrical services at a new city centre in Chelmsford, Essex.

Chelmer Waterside is a brownfield site near to Chelmsford’s waterways, which includes the old gasworks. Just five minutes from the city centre, the site could provide space for up to 1,200 new homes, with some homes already built.

GRAHAM is the principal contractor; the company is creating new access road and bridge across the river Chelmer. This will provide another access route to the neighbourhood and alleviate pressure at the junction of Navigation Road and Springfield Road. The project will also improve cycling and walking routes nearby..

Chelmsford City Council’s local plan has allocated the whole of the Chelmer Waterside area for housing-led development. The developers will designate 35% of the Chelmer Waterside homes as affordable housing.

In this contract, engineers from PTSG Electrical Services Ltd will install a new lightning protection system. Such systems protect buildings and their users in the event of an electrical storm.
PTSG is the UK’s leading provider of lightning and surge protection, as well as power earthing systems. Its engineers deliver new installations, testing and inspection, maintenance and upgrades for customers in all industry sectors.

PTSG appointed to provide lightning protection in Chelmsford
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